for_each_well.h File Reference

Calls methods for each facility (or well) in list. More...

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namespace  blue_sky


template<typename strategy_t , typename method_t >
void blue_sky::for_each_well (facility_manager< strategy_t > &facility_list, method_t method)
 For each well in facility_list calls method method.
template<typename strategy_t , typename method_t >
void blue_sky::for_each_facility (facility_manager< strategy_t > &facility_list, method_t method)
 For each facility in facility_list calls method method.
template<typename strategy_t , typename method_t >
bool blue_sky::for_each_well_while_cond (facility_manager< strategy_t > &facility_list, method_t method)
 For each well in facilit_list calls method method while method not return true.
template<typename strategy_t , typename method_t >
size_t blue_sky::for_each_well_acc (facility_manager< strategy_t > &facility_list, method_t method)
 Accumulates values returned by method for each well in facility_list.

Detailed Description

Calls methods for each facility (or well) in list.

Sergey Miryanov (sergey-miryanov),
13.02.2009 This source code is released under the terms of the BSD License. See LICENSE for more details.

Generated on Fri Nov 13 12:07:13 2009 for TheBSEagleProject by  doxygen 1.5.8