AutoFile | |
blue_sky::debug::bulkp< connection_t > | |
blue_sky::debug::bw_accessor< well_t > | |
blue_sky::calc_model< strategy_t > | Holds calculated data and implements some useful functions |
blue_sky::calc_model_data< strategy_t > | Calc_model data holder, holds calculated values for each mesh cell |
blue_sky::calc_model_data_tmp_holder< strategy_t > | Holds temporary data (shored on new newton iteration, for example) |
blue_sky::calc_model_type_helper< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::calc_perf_bhp< strategy_t > | Calculates perforation (well connection) bhp value, implements calc_perf_bhp_base interface |
blue_sky::calc_perf_bhp_base< strategy_t > | Base class (interface) for well perforation bhp calculation |
blue_sky::calc_perf_density_base< strategy_t > | Base class (interface) for well perforation density calculation |
blue_sky::calc_rho_base< strategy_t > | Base class for density (rho) calculation |
blue_sky::calc_total_average_rho< strategy_t > | Calculates total average density (rho) |
blue_sky::calc_well_pressure< strategy_t > | Calculates BHP for well |
blue_sky::calc_well_pressure_base< strategy_t > | Base class for objects that calculate BHP for well |
blue_sky::xxx::clmn_holder< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::clmn_holder< array_t_, trait_t > | |
blue_sky::clmn_holder< array_t_, const_unsafe_trait > | |
blue_sky::clmn_holder< array_t_, ref_trait > | |
blue_sky::clmn_line_mul< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::clmn_op< clmn_op_t > | |
blue_sky::clmn_scalar_mul< array_type > | |
blue_sky::clmn_sub< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::xxx::clmn_sub< array_t > | |
blue_sky::xxx::clmn_sub_div< lhs_t > | |
blue_sky::xxx::clmn_sub_div_mul< lhs_t > | |
blue_sky::closure0< R, T, M > | Implements 'closure' with no params and return type R |
blue_sky::closure0< void, T, M > | |
blue_sky::closure1< R, T, M, A1 > | Implements 'closure' with 1 param and return type R |
blue_sky::closure1< void, T, M, A1 > | |
blue_sky::closure2< R, T, M, A1, A2 > | Implements 'closure' with 2 param and return type R |
blue_sky::closure2< void, T, M, A1, A2 > | |
blue_sky::closure3< R, T, M, A1, A2, A3 > | Implements 'closure' with 3 param and return type R |
blue_sky::closure3< void, T, M, A1, A2, A3 > | |
blue_sky::closure4< R, T, M, A1, A2, A3, A4 > | Implements 'closure' with 4 param and return type R |
blue_sky::closure4< void, T, M, A1, A2, A3, A4 > | |
blue_sky::closure5< R, T, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > | Implements 'closure' with 5 param and return type R |
blue_sky::closure5< void, T, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > | |
blue_sky::closure6< R, T, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > | Implements 'closure' with 6 param and return type R |
blue_sky::closure6< void, T, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > | |
blue_sky::COMPDAT_event< strategy_t > | COMPDAT keyword |
blue_sky::COMPENSATION_event< strategy_t > | COMPENSATION keyword |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_1p_g_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_1p_o_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_1p_w_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_2p_og_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_2p_ow_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_3p_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_deriv_1p_g< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_deriv_1p_o< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_deriv_1p_w< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_deriv_2p_og< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_deriv_2p_ow< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_bhp_deriv_3p< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_deriv< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_dummy_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_impl< rate_type, bhp_deriv_type, rate_deriv_type > | |
blue_sky::compute_params< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::compute_params< strategy_t >::compute_params::inj_params | |
blue_sky::compute_params< strategy_t >::compute_params::prod_params | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_1p_g< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_1p_g_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_1p_o< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_1p_o_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_1p_w< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_1p_w_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_2p_og< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_2p_og_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_2p_ow< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_2p_ow_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_3p< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_3p_type< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_deriv_1p_g< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_deriv_1p_o< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_deriv_1p_w< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_deriv_2p_og< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_deriv_2p_ow< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_rate_deriv_3p< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::connection< strategy_t > | Base class for well perforations (well connections) |
blue_sky::tools::connection_member_saver< strategy_t, accessor_t > | |
blue_sky::connection_results | Stores results for connection |
blue_sky::const_trait | |
blue_sky::const_unsafe_trait | |
blue_sky::csr_ilu_cfl_prec< strategy_t > | Builds matrix based on CFL for csr_ilu prec and solves this matrix |
blue_sky::debug::cur_bhp< connection_t > | |
blue_sky::table::data_group< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::table::data_row< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::table::data_row_push_back< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::data_serializer | |
blue_sky::data_storage | |
blue_sky::data_storage_interface | |
blue_sky::wells::default_connection< strategy_t > | Default implementation of well connection |
blue_sky::default_rr_eliminator< size > | Declaration of default_rr_eliminator |
blue_sky::default_rr_eliminator< 1 > | |
blue_sky::default_rr_eliminator< 2 > | |
blue_sky::default_rr_eliminator< 3 > | |
blue_sky::wells::default_well< strategy_t > | Default implementation of well |
blue_sky::wells::default_well_rate_control_factory< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::debug::density< connection_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::dummy_deriv< mobility_calc_t > | |
blue_sky::event_base< strategy_t > | Base class for model events |
blue_sky::event_filter | Filters events |
blue_sky::python::event_list_iterator< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::event_manager< strategy_t > | Class to store events and to manage of them |
blue_sky::facility_base< strategy_t > | Base class (interface) for facilities (wells e.t.c) |
blue_sky::facility_manager< strategy_t > | Facilities manager |
blue_sky::fi_operator_impl< strategy_type, is_w, is_g, is_o > | Implementation of fi_operator, parametrized with is_w, is_g, is_o (for water, gas, oil phases) |
blue_sky::fi_operator_impl< strategy_type, is_w, is_g, is_o >::fi_operator_impl::local_data | Local data that used in calculation of each cell |
blue_sky::fi_params | |
blue_sky::fip_results | |
blue_sky::fip_results_storage | |
blue_sky::fracture | |
blue_sky::FRACTURE_event< strategy_t > | FRACTURE keyword |
blue_sky::jacobian< strategy_t > | Incapsulates solving of jacobian matrix |
blue_sky::jacobian< strategy_t >::jacobian::jacob_traits | For sorting jacobian children |
blue_sky::jacobian< strategy_t >::jacobian::jacob_traits::jacobian::jacob_traits::jacob_key | |
blue_sky::jacobian_impl< strategy_t > | Implementation of jacobian class methods, used to reduce some overhead |
blue_sky::keyword_manager< strategy_t > | Class-factory which contains a set of handlers for different keywords |
blue_sky::line_clmn_mul< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::line_holder< array_type, trait_t > | |
blue_sky::line_holder< array_type, const_unsafe_trait > | |
blue_sky::line_holder< array_type, ref_trait > | |
blue_sky::line_holder< array_type, ref_unsafe_trait > | |
blue_sky::line_mul< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::line_op< line_op_t > | |
blue_sky::line_sub< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::m_minus_vv_prod< size > | Incapsulates A = A - B * C operation, A - matrix, B, C - vectors |
blue_sky::m_minus_vv_prod< 1 > | |
blue_sky::m_minus_vv_prod< 2 > | |
blue_sky::m_minus_vv_prod< 3 > | |
blue_sky::main_loop_calc< strategy_t, is_w, is_g, is_o > | Main calculation loop implementation |
blue_sky::main_loop_calc_base< strategy_t > | Base interface for main_loop calculation implementation |
blue_sky::tools::member_accessor< data_array_t, item_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::mobility_calc_inj< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::wells::mobility_calc_prod< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::mpfa::mpfa_base_impl< strategy_t, is_w, is_g, is_o > | Calculates flux part of Jacobian (full mpfa implementation), parametrized with is_w, is_g is_o (is water, gas and oil phases present) |
blue_sky::mpfa::mpfa_base_impl< strategy_t, is_w, is_g, is_o >::mpfa_base_impl::cfl_info | Stores data that used to compute CFL |
blue_sky::tpfa::mpfa_impl< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::mx_clmn_mul< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::mx_holder< array_t_, trait_t > | |
blue_sky::mx_holder< array_t_, ref_trait > | |
blue_sky::mx_inverse< array_t_ > | |
blue_sky::mx_mul< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::mx_op< mx_op_t > | |
blue_sky::mx_scalar_mul< array_t_ > | |
blue_sky::mx_sub< lhs_t, rhs_t > | |
blue_sky::norms_storage< strategy_t > | Class for storing different norms |
objbase | |
blue_sky::one_call_proxy< wrapped_t, callee_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::compute_factors::peaceman_model< strategy_t > | Calculates connection factors (peaceman model) |
blue_sky::PERMFRAC_event< strategy_t > | PERMFRAC keyword |
blue_sky::detail::pp_index< size_t, bool, bool > | Incapsulates indexes for derivs for n-phase models |
blue_sky::detail::pp_index< 1, is_w, is_g > | |
blue_sky::detail::pp_index< 2, false, true > | |
blue_sky::detail::pp_index< 2, true, false > | |
blue_sky::detail::pp_index< 3, is_w, is_g > | |
blue_sky::tools::prepare_fpu | Prepares FPU to work |
blue_sky::python::py_calc_model< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::python::py_calc_model_data< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::python::py_data_serializer | |
blue_sky::python::py_data_storage | |
blue_sky::python::py_data_storage_interface | |
blue_sky::python::py_el_pair< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::python::py_event_base_iterator< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::debug::rate< connection_t > | |
blue_sky::rate_data< strategy_t > | Stores rate data |
blue_sky::rate_data< strategy_t >::rate_data::rate_data_inner | Stores specific data for production and injection rates |
blue_sky::ref_trait | |
blue_sky::ref_unsafe_trait | |
blue_sky::reservoir< strategy_t > | Storage for and manager of facilities. also stores reservoir rates |
blue_sky::reservoir_simulator< strategy_t > | Main class of reservoir_simulator implementation, implements bs_node |
blue_sky::debug::rr< connection_t > | |
blue_sky::tools::rr_rw_wr_saver< strategy_t, array_type, accessor_t > | |
blue_sky::debug::rw< connection_t > | |
blue_sky::save_connection_data< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::save_fip_data< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::save_well_data< strategy_t > | Saves well and connection data to well_results_storage |
blue_sky::scalar_op< scalar_op_t > | |
blue_sky::str_functor< T > | Functor for boost spirit string parsers handling |
blue_sky::tools::string_formater | Formats strings.. |
blue_sky::table::table_2d< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::trans_multipliers_calc< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::two_call_proxy< wrapped_t, callee_t > | |
blue_sky::two_stage_preconditioner< strategy_t > | Class declaration for two stage preconditioner |
blue_sky::wells::type_helper< strategy_type > | |
blue_sky::v_minus_vs_prod< size > | Incapsulates A = A - B * C operation, A, B, C vectors |
blue_sky::v_minus_vs_prod< 1 > | |
blue_sky::v_minus_vs_prod< 2 > | |
blue_sky::v_minus_vs_prod< 3 > | |
blue_sky::WCONHIST_event< strategy_t > | WCONHIST keyword |
blue_sky::WCONINJE_event< strategy_t > | WCONINJE keyword |
blue_sky::WCONPROD_event< strategy_t > | WCONPROD keyword |
blue_sky::WECON_event< strategy_t > | WECON keyword |
blue_sky::WECONINJ_event< strategy_t > | WECONINJ keyword |
blue_sky::WEFAC_event< strategy_t > | WEFAC keyword |
blue_sky::well< strategy_t > | Base class for wells |
blue_sky::wells::well_controller< strategy_t > | Well controller |
blue_sky::wells::well_controller_factory< strategy_t > | Factory of well_controllers |
blue_sky::well_data_printer< strategy_t > | Prints well information tables |
blue_sky::well_event< strategy_t > | Base class for well events |
blue_sky::well_factory< strategy_t > | Creates wells and perforations |
blue_sky::wells::well_limit_operation | |
blue_sky::wells::well_limit_operation_factory | |
blue_sky::tools::well_member_saver< strategy_t, function_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::well_rate_control< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::well_rate_control_factory< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::well_rate_control_impl< impl_type_t > | |
blue_sky::well_rate_control_impl< impl_type_t >::well_rate_control_impl::impl< impl_t > | |
blue_sky::wells::well_rate_control_interface< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::well_results | Stores results for well |
blue_sky::well_results_storage | Storage for well and connection results |
blue_sky::wells::well_serializer< strategy_t > | |
blue_sky::well_state< strategy_t > | Incapsulates state of well |
blue_sky::wellbore_density_calc< strategy_t > | Calculates density for all well perforations |
blue_sky::WELLCON_event< strategy_t > | WELLCON keyword |
blue_sky::WELSPECS_event< strategy_t > | WELSPECS keyword |
blue_sky::WELTARG_event< strategy_t > | WELTARG keyword |
blue_sky::WPIMULT_event< strategy_t > | WPIMULT keyword |
blue_sky::debug::wr< connection_t > | |
blue_sky::debug::ww_accessor< well_t > | |
blue_sky::debug::ww_diveder< well_t > | |