blue_sky::well_state< strategy_t > Class Template Reference

Incapsulates state of well. More...

#include <calc_well.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

auto_value< well_state_type,
well_open > 
 Status of well directed by model.
auto_value< bool, false > is_work
 Is well work by inner state.

Detailed Description

template<typename strategy_t>
class blue_sky::well_state< strategy_t >

Incapsulates state of well.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename strategy_t >
auto_value<bool, false> blue_sky::well_state< strategy_t >::is_work

Is well work by inner state.

template<typename strategy_t >
auto_value<well_state_type, well_open> blue_sky::well_state< strategy_t >::state

Status of well directed by model.

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